Spoiled Lunch and Other Creepy Tales

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In this collection of 8 short stories, a hungry child in a post-apocalyptic wasteland seeks shelter in the wrong place (The Rollerboard); a school boy tries to enjoy a snack in a dystopian future plagued by pests (Spoiled Lunch); a ghost refuses to leave her beloved house (The Agoraphobe); a heroin addict finds himself trapped in a locker room with his own talking tapeworm (In the White Room); two men on a hunting trip have a personal encounter with the supernatural (The Hunters); a drug runner hits a creature on the road and finds himself pursued by it (The Accident); a test subject tries to escape his handlers (The Migraine); and a girl tries to rid her family’s house of a ghost, with disastrous consequences (Sold As Is).

Featuring everything from spirits and aliens to cannibals and psychics, this set is sure to disturb and delight the most hardcore fans of horror and dark science fiction.

The only question is–can you read it without spoiling your lunch?

EBOOK: $2.99 Amazon UK Kobo iBooks Scribd smashwords
PAPERBACK: $6.66 Amazon UK